• Tuesday, June 2, 2020

    Link : MediaFire

    News :

    1 - Added new icons to all bags
    2 - New model to the basic bag (yes, it's a bag now)
    3 - Updated Bags skills/icons (+1 Skill teleport to the start area)
    4 - Buffed All Boss Stats Drop (Stats drop based in area now)
    5 - Added New icons to: Barska A, Bierza L, Decil T, Parca F, FATAL, Black gold sword
    6 - Renamed item: FATAL ---> Marizuraka FATAL
    7 - Updated everything in : Excalibur ---> Rambliger

    Buffs/Nerfs/Fix : 

    1 - Sacrifice Mode Buffed:
    Boss HP Regen 0.4% ---> 0.5%
    Stats Reduced 90% ---> 80%

    2 - Bag Balanced:

    All Bags Below (Just Trash no):
    Removed Invunerability
    Custom Icon added
    New Skill ---> The Bag (Say about the bag and the restrictions)
    New Skill ---> Bag Hide (Return to the starting area)

    Basic Bag:
    New Model

    Fen Bag:
    Removed Malignant Preassure
    Resistance of the beats ---> Planatecia
    Geno Master ---> Sky Destroyer Symbol
    Buffed Armor in skill
    Nerfed Invunerable Skill Time and reduced CD

    God Bag:
    Basic Attack CD 1.00 ---> Removed
    Divine Preassure: Cause (INT x 50) + 10000 + 10 CD ---> Cause (Hero LvL / 5 x All Stats) + 5 CD
    Buffed Armor in skill
    Nerfed Invunerable Skill Time and reduced CD
    Resistance of a little god ---> Presence of the Divinity of Light

    Trash Bag:
    Shit Icon added
    Basic Attack CD 1.00 ---> 10.00

    3 - Lucifer HP Reduced:
    250000000 ---> 240000000

    4 - Start Rod/Super Star Rod Buffed: Little Stat Chance 10% + Big Star Chance 2% ---> 15% + Big Star Chance 3%

    Bugs Fixed :

    1 - Fixed Void Hearth Slot Type
    2 - Fixed boss stats drop
    3 - Missed icon update in "The Wall" SHIELD and not just the ITEM
    4 - Cenarius will start Invunerable and Paused in game, now just is possible kill he after open the gate (prevent bag abuse)
    5 - Fixed Cleric T4 wrong Buff Icon + Description
    6 - Fixed Trash T2 R skill Buff Icon + Description
    7 - Fixed Bag Kefka power
    8 - Camera on Start of Game bug
    9 - Impossible to select the game mode on start if write wrong
    10 - Mage F skill causing damage to your hero
    11 - Item being dropped from your inventary
    12 - Missing GOLD message on Sacrifice mode text
    13 - Fixed "Blessed by God" skill buff
    14 - Fixed "Shield of the Tians" giving just 700 armor
    15 - Fixed a bit the bug in Void Heart giving negative armor
    16 - Fixed Flaming Soul Sword in Impossible Mode
    17 - Better description of Sacrifice Mode now to everyone understand what it mean
    18 - Lich King will spawn again just after you kill he

    Text Update/Fix :

    1 - Item Wallllllll

    2 - Cleric Angel of Destruction ability Justice with extra space in G skill
    3 - Star Rod now need just LvL 2350 to craft

    Need to Test:

    1! - Now with the fixed music by region of warcraft 3 reforged, i can remove the duplicate music of game

    Important notes :

    * = Not Yet Fixed or Added
    ? = Not sure if it was implemented
    x = Will be added in the next version
    ! = Need Test to confirm


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