• Monday, June 15, 2020

    Link: MediaFire

    News :

    1 - New Custom Hero : Roronoa Zoro (One Piece)
    Total Powers: 19
    Completed Powers: 19
    Link Video: YouTube

    2 - Event Reward (Cactus + Lucifer Kill + Supreme Trash) to:
    Nekomata_Okayu ( +1 Reward)
    Nisha_Labyrinth (Custom Hero Akame)
    FalconBlook (Kurumin + Kirby), Robbie (Akame + Alucard), Narkosha(Chaos + Akame + 5° Reward) , LingFeng(3 Reward + Akame)

    Buffs/Nerfs/Fix : 

    1 - Mode XP:
    Easy 120% ---> 140%
    Normal 90% ---> 100%

    Sacrifice 50% ---> 60%

    2 - Vergil Buffed:

    (F) Spiral Sword:
    16 CD ---> 8 CD

    (F+D) Blistering Sword:
    (Hero LvL / 6 x AGI) x 8 ---> (Hero LvL / 4 x AGI) x 8

    (R) Perfect Judgement Cut:
    14 CD + Hero LvL / 5 x AGI (Judgmenet Cut) + 25% ---> 10 CD + Hero LvL / 4 x AGI (Judgmenet Cut) + 40%

    (E) Rapid Slash:
    8 CD ---> 6 CD

    (G) Dark Angel:
    100 CD ---> 30 CD

    3 - Azrael Nerfed:
    (W) Ghost Strike:
    CD 15 ---> CD 13

    (E) Angry Soul:
    Critical 48% x24.00 + 52% Evasion ---> 35% x30.00 + 50% Evasion

    (F) Demonic Body:
    Reduce Damage Received in 30% ---> 25%

    4 - Akame Nerfed:
    (G) Murasame:
    Cause Hero LvL /1000 x AGI ---> Hero LvL / 1500 x AGI

    (W) The Curse of the Sword:
    Cause Hero LvL / 3 x AGI + 15 CD ---> Cause Hero LvL / 1 x AGI + 25 CD

    (E) Bunshin Apocalypse:
    Slash Cause Hero LvL / 3 x AGI ---> Hero LvL x AGI

    (R) Little War Horn:
    Dance of Death Cause Hero LvL x x AGI ---> Hero LvL x 2 x AGI

    (F) Ninja Illusionary:
    Gain +250 Armor + 40% Damage Reduction ---> +100 Armor + 10% Damage Reduction

    (D) Ninja Fight Sence:
    Has 30% x60.00 critical + 78% Evasion + 10% Hero LvL / 3 (bugged) x AGI ---> 30% x45.00 critical + 60% Evasion + 7% Hero LvL / 5 x AGI

    Bugs Fixed :

    1 - Nothing

    Text Update/Fix :

    1 - [Legend] Black Moon appear "Hell Frag" but it's "Hell Flag"

    Need to Test:

    1! - Now with the fixed music by region of warcraft 3 reforged, i can remove the duplicate music of game

    Important notes :

    * = Not Yet Fixed or Added
    ? = Not sure if it was implemented
    x = Will be added in the next version
    ! = Need Test to confirm

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    2. can i ask, how can I find DOOM I can't find the dungeon key anywhere


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