• Tuesday, February 2, 2021


    Link: MediaFire
    News :
    1 - Mysterious Content Number 7: Seal of the Gods
    2 - Edited the size of killer T1,T2,T3 and T4
    3 - New model to killer T2, and the old model of Killer T2 now is the model of T1.
    4 - The buff "Extra Damage" has a different icon now (used in multiple units)
    5 - Butterfly will now appear in forest without need kill galemorth.
    6 - Terrain in Forest Core will not allow you enter in trees.
    7 - Updated "InnerOT" player rewards to "InnerOR"
    8 - Added new tier to Sacrifice hero, the Tier 0, he will be avaiable just from the lvl 1 at the lvl 100 (Sealed) and after it he become Wisp (Unsealed)
    9 - Now all classes need fight with galemorth to enter in hell, and the level requeriment increased from 150 to 200 to the fight with he.
    10 - Added donation rewards to "Aggex".
    11 - Level Limit from Red Desert decreased from 120 to 100.
    Buffs/Nerfs/Fix : 
    1 - Killer Rework:
    Skill Q: [Hero LvL / (5/4/3/2/1) x AGI] in (400) AoE range + invisible for 0.10 seconds. --->
    T1/T2/T3: [Power] Launches a strong attack on an enemy dealing [Hero LvL / ( 4.5 - (Ability LvL / 2) x AGI] damage to the target. + [Power Passive] Your attacks have a [( 2.5 + (Ability LvL / 2) %] chance of attacking the enemy's critical point, causing [20%] damage done by this usable ability.
    T4: [Power] Launches a strong attack on an enemy dealing [Hero LvL x AGI] damage to the target. + [Power Passive] Your attacks have a [6%] chance of attacking the enemy's critical point, causing [20%] damage done by this usable ability.
    [Passive Power] All passive effects of the other abilities are only activated after using this hero's [Q] ability.

    Skill W: [+50/100/150%] Attack Speed + [+10/30/50%] Movement Speed --->
    T1/T2/T3: [+(Ability LvL x 25)%] Attack Speed + [+(Ability LvL x 10)%] Movement Speed +
    [Power Passive] With each attack performed, you have a [1/2/3/4/5 - 7%] chance of increasing your agility by [+5%], which can occur up to a maximum of [3] times, this effect only lasts for [3] seconds, reducing [1] accumulation every [3] seconds if not activated again, and when it is at its maximum, it will renew in [5] seconds per attack. (The added agility value corresponds to the agility of the first accumulation, and you must have at least 100 agility to activate this effect.) 
    T4: [+300%] Attack Speed + [+100%] Movement Speed +
    [Power Passive] With each attack performed, you have a [10%] chance of increasing your agility by [+10%], which can occur up to a maximum of [3] times, this effect only lasts for [3] seconds, reducing [1] accumulation every [3] seconds if not activated again, and when it is at its maximum, it will renew in [5] seconds per attack. (The added agility value corresponds to the agility of the first accumulation, and you must have at least 50 agility to activate this effect.) 

    Skill E: Vampirism + 1 LvL ---> 
    T1: Vampirism + [+(Ability LvL x 100)] Armor + 3 LvL
    T2: Vampirism + [+300 + (Ability LvL x 100)] Armor + 3 LvL
    T3: Vampirism + [+800] Armor 
    T4: Vampirism + [+1000] Armor 

    Skill R: Give Armor/Damage/Life Regen --->
    T1/T2/T3: Enter "Killer's/Assassin's/Death's Fury" mode for 15 seconds, giving you several special effects:

    --- Killer's/Assassin's/Death's Fury/Empty's Fury ---

    [-1/2/3/5%] HP Regen per second
    [-100/200/300/500] Armor
    [+ 100/200/300/500%] Attack Speed
    [Power Passive] The first death that occurs while in this mode will cause the hero to revive, and increase the damage he deals in basic attacks by an additional [50%] for the duration of the mode.
    [Power Passive] The vampirism acquired with the [E] skill will be increased by [2.0/2.5/3.0/3.5] times.
    [Power Passive] The damage of your [Q] skill will be multiplied by [1.25/1.50/1.75/2.0] and the passive ability's chance of occurring will be [1.25/1.50/1.75/2.0] times greater as well. In addition, the hero's activable ability will deal [1%] of the enemy's life as real damage to him (This effect will not occur on enemies with a level higher than yours)

    Skill D: 25/50/75/100% to cause 2/5/20/25 critical + 10/20/30/50% Evade --->
    10/15/20/25% to cause 50/65/80/100 critical + 20/30/40/50% Evade

    Skill F: [+10%] Damage + [Passive Power] Cause [(Hero LvL x AGI) x (Hero LvL / 500) / 4] in target with [1%] chance. --->
    T2: [+20%] Damage + [Passive Power] Cause [(Hero LvL x AGI) x (Hero LvL / 500) / 5] in target with [1%] chance + [Power Passive] Increases [Q] skill damage by [+20%].
    T3: [+25%] Damage + [Passive Power] Cause [(Hero LvL x AGI) x (Hero LvL / 500) / 4] in target with [1%] chance + [Power Passive] Increases [Q] skill damage by [+25%].
    T4: [+30%] Damage + [Passive Power] Cause [(Hero LvL x AGI) x (Hero LvL / 500) / 3] in target with [1%] chance + [Power Passive] Increases [Q] skill damage by [+30%]. ---> The previous [G] skill will become the [F] in T4, but it will still have the effects of the old [F] skill as well.

    Skill G: Transform your hero into TRIVIA --->
    T3: Briefly transforms your hero into TRIVIA, and creates a gigantic chain at the designated location, which deals [Hero LvL x AGI] damage over a range of [500] range.
    T4: Creates a gigantic chain at the target location, which deals [Hero LvL x AGI x 2] damage over a range of [500] range.

    2 - Lifra Buffed:
    Skill Q: 
    T1: [Power Passive] Regenerates between 0.25% to 1% of life per second, based on lost life. --->
    [Power Passive] Regenerates between 1,5% to 4% of life per second, based on lost life.
    T2: [Power Passive] Regenerates between 0.5% to 1,5% of life per second, based on lost life. --->
    [Power Passive] Regenerates between 2% to 4,5% of life per second, based on lost life.
    T3: [Power Passive] Regenerates between 0.75% to 2% of life per second, based on lost life. --->
    [Power Passive] Regenerates between 2,5% to 5% of life per second, based on lost life.
    T4: [Power Passive] Regenerates between 1% to 2,5% of life per second, based on lost life. --->
    [Power Passive] Regenerates between 5% to 7,5% of life per second, based on lost life.

    Skill W:
    T1: [Power] ... cause [Hero LvL x STR / 3] of its total life like damage to the target + 
    [Power Passive] ... recovers [30%] of the lost amount. + CD 5 Sec --->
    [Power] ... cause [Hero LvL x STR /2] of its total life like damage to the target + 
    [Power Passive] ... recovers [50%] of the lost amount. + CD 6 Sec 
    T2: [Power] ... cause [Hero LvL x STR / 2] of its total life like damage to the target + 
    [Power Passive] ... recovers [40%] of the lost amount. + CD 4.5 Sec --->
    [Power] ... cause [Hero LvL x STR x 1] of its total life like damage to the target + 
    [Power Passive] ... recovers [50%] of the lost amount. + CD 5.5 Sec 
    T3: [Power] ... cause [Hero LvL x STR x 1] of its total life like damage to the target + 
    [Power Passive] ... recovers [50%] of the lost amount. + CD 5 Sec --->
    [Power] ... cause [Hero LvL x STR x 1,5] of its total life like damage to the target + 
    [Power Passive] ... recovers [50%] of the lost amount. + CD 5 Sec 
    T4: [Power] ... cause [Hero LvL x STR x 2] of its total life like damage to the target + 
    [Power Passive] ... recovers [60%] of the lost amount. + CD 3.5 Sec --->
    [Power] ... cause [Hero LvL x STR x 2] of its total life like damage to the target + 
    [Power Passive] ... recovers [50%] of the lost amount. + CD 4.5 Sec 

    3x - Gluttony Balancing.

    4 - Sacrifice Balanced:
    Skill E: ... + Need LvL 25 ---> Need LvL 20
    Skill R: ... + Need LvL 80 ---> Need LvL 60
    Skill F: ... + Need LvL 50 ---> Need LvL 40
    Skill G: ... + Need LvL 100 ---> Need LvL 80 +  NEW: [Power Passive] After using this ability for the first time, it will make your other skills stronger. 

    Skill Q: 50% Attack speed ---> 25% Attack Speed + 10% Movement Speed
    Skill Q (Unsealed): Deals [INT / 100] more damage and heals you for a total of [STR / 10].
    Skill W (Unsealed): Cause [x2.5] more damage.
    Skill E (Unsealed): Critical chance increased by [+ 10%] and critical damage increased to [3.00], in addition to increasing the chance of evasion by [+ 10%]
    Skill R (Unsealed): Cause [x2.5] more damage.
    Skill D (Unsealed)+75% Attack Speed + 25% Movement Speed
    Skill F (Unsealed): +50 AoE Armor + It also deals [AGI] damage to targets.

    5 - Ichigo Buffed:
    Skill Q:
    T1: 25 + Hero LvL x INT / 5 (Bug, it's 6) ---> 50 + Hero LvL x INT / 5
    T2: 75 + Hero LvL x INT / 4 (Bug, it's 5) ---> 100 + Hero LvL x INT / 4
    T2(Hollow): 150 + Hero LvL x INT / 3 (Bug, it's 4) ---> 250 + Hero LvL x INT / 3
    T3: 300 + Hero LvL x INT / 2 (Bug, it's 3) ---> 500 + Hero LvL x INT / 2
    T4: Hero LvL x INT / 3 ---> Hero LvL x INT

    Skill R:
    T1: 100 + Hero LvL x INT / 2 ---> 250 + Hero LvL x INT / 2
    T2: 250 + Hero LvL x INT / 2 ---> 500 + Hero LvL x INT / 2
    T2(Hollow): 500 + Hero LvL x INT  ---> 750 + Hero LvL x INT
    T3: 1000 + Hero LvL x INT / 2  ---> 1250 + Hero LvL x INT / 2  ---> 
    T3(Revived): Hero LvL x INT x 2  ---> 100 + Hero LvL x INT x 2
    T4: Hero LvL x INT x 1.5 ---> (500 + Hero LvL) x INT x 2.5

    6 - Phophecy of the Gods Nerfed:
    3% chance = 100 + (Hero LvL x INT / 3) ---> 1% chance = 100 + (Hero LvL x INT / 5)

    7 - Yhorin Galaxy Buffed:
    [Hero LvL / (%%% x 10)] x All Stats ---> [Hero LvL / (%%% x 8)] x All Stats

    8 - Void Boss Buffed:
    Attack Speed: 1.00 ---> 0.75
    Total HP: 15 ---> 25
    HP Regen: 0 ---> 0.10
    Damage Enigma: 70% + Range 600-1400 + 3.5 sec ---> 75% + Range 400 - 1200 + 4 sec
    Power 1: Chance 70% + 14% ---> 50%
    Power 2: Chance 40% ---> 20% If power 1 is not actived

    9 - Void Heath Buffed:
    Evasion 40% + Revive 25% + 5% chance to Cause [Hero LvL / 4 x All Stats] and heal 3% of HP ---> Armor -500 + Evasion 75% + Revive 25% + 10% chance to Cause [Hero LvL / 5 x All Stats] and heal 5% of HP

    10 - Oris (Doom) nerfed:
    Attack Damage: INT x 1.00 ---> INT x 0.50
    Basic INT: 3000000 ---> 2500000 (All damages of doom are based in INT)
    Basic STR: 6193942 ---> 6000000

    11 - Vengeful Matter buffed:
    5% chance to heal + 100 Armor ---> 6% chance to Heal + 200 Armor

    12 - Max lvl before the hell now is LvL 100.

    13 - Vision of Weakness nerfed:
    +50 All stats ---> +35 All Stats

    14 - Max LvL before the hell reduced from 120 to 100.
    15 - Legendary item LvL 120 reduced to need just lvl 100.
    Bugs Fixed :

    1 - Fixed bug in Lifra Q with wrong life regen.
    2 - Fixed bug in Lifra W with wrong damage.
    3 - Fixed bug in Killer T1 being possible to use F skill of T2.
    4 - Fixed Death Ability causing incrible low damage. (Shockwave)
    5 - Floor Debuffs will not affect the enemies now.
    6 - Fixed craft of "Horror Flame" from "Despair" to "Nigales Armor"
    7 - Lily will not move if attacked.
    8 - Fixed bug being possible to teleport to the room before Lucifer Throne in any lvl.
    9 - Cursed Skull and Vision of Weakness should not have immolation effects

    x - Fixed all helmets of game healing enemies if the damage is so high.
    x - Crystal of the Gods now will need certain lvl to be used, preventing low lvl players to get it and other dimensions.
    x - Arena Giving LvL for kill players
    x - If you have MAX GOLD/SOULS and play in sacrifice mode and pick up souls, it will reduce the value
    x - Doom Gloves power is not causing damage on enemy
    x - Kirby Skill Q causing extra damage
    x - Akame need DASH in E and not TELEPORT
    x - Now Kirby E will give fixed Life Restore to the hero
    x - Updated Mage G Skill to never lost the control (T4)
    x - Death Text still flying at kill she = extra fps drop permanent

    Text Update/Fix :
    1 - Lifra T1 Q skill renamed from "Evolution of Life" to "Life"
    2 - Vengeful Matter life regen wrong 5% ---> 10%
    3 - Sacrifice T1 skill R "Sealed" renamed to "Expand"
    4 - Wrong text in Mandrágora craft, it's in "Green Orb" item but should be in "Cursed" item
    5 - The link to acess the discord in load file is invalid, fixed to a valid link.

    x - Stranger Skills missing the actual LvL in text
    x - Gluttony Passives

    Important notes :

    * = Not Yet Fixed or Added
    ? = Not sure if it was implemented
    x = Will be added in the next version or beyond
    ! = Need Test to confirm

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