• Wednesday, June 9, 2021

    Link: MediaFire
    News :
    Buffs/Nerfs/Fix : 
    1 - Floor 1 Boss nerf:
    1000000 Damage ignoring armor ---> 
    400000 Damage not ignoring armor
    Lost 1 Mana for attack with 33% chance, in 10 attacks explode all ---> Lost 10% of Boss MP, in 0 MP explode all
    Bugs Fixed:
    1 - Hero summons are not giving XP to the main hero (Excluding the Cleric summons)
    2! - Gluttony will not heal the enemy if not kill it with the [Q] ability
    3 - Killer will not stop for 3~4 seconds after use the skill [Q]
    4 - Devil T3/T4 will not show the wrong skill icon before/after learn it
    5 - Added a revive place in Red Desert.
    6 - Cenarius will stay Invunerable and paused at you open the gate to fight with him.
    Text Update/Fix:
    1 - Discord Boost Rewards: AeternaNyx(Kirby), Juicy(Zoro + Kirby + Bag NiN + Supreme God Tittle), LeNameHere(Chaos + Lucky Deity)
    2 - Nickname updated: Kaleth ---> Andali(Add Megumim code to him)

    Notes in each number:
    4   = Fixed/added
    4* = Not yet fixed/added
    4? = Not sure if it was implemented
    4x = Will be fixed/added in the next version or beyond
    4! = Need test to confirm


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