• Friday, January 28, 2022

    !!! Under Construction !!!


    News :
    1* - New Item: Jiguri
    2* - Item Furnace: Burn some items to get Souls

    1 - Sacrifice Difficulty Nerf:
    Item Drop Rate -42% ---> -40%
    Ally Speed -60% ---> -50%
    XP -57% ---> -50%

    2 - Item drop rate balanced:
    The Black: 100% ---> (1 x 100%) + (1 x 75%) + (1 x 50%)
    Crystal of the Light: 3% ---> 2,5%
    Demonic Soul: 100% ---> (1 x 100%) + (1 x 75%) + (1 x 50%)
    Devil/Demon Bones: 12/15/18/25% ---> 17/21/25/30%

    3 - Shinigame Class Buffed:
    Skill E:

    Tier 1 - Normal: Passive Power
    35% Chance [Hero LvL x AGI / 30] ---> 50
    % Chance [Hero LvL x AGI / 30]

    Tier 1 - Transformation: Passive Power
    40% Chance [Hero LvL x AGI / 28] ---> 55% Chance [Hero LvL x AGI / 28]

    Tier 2 - Normal: Passive Power
    <Same buff of Tier 1 Transformation>
    Tier 2 - Transformation: Passive Power
    45% Chance [Hero LvL x AGI / 26] ---> 60% Chance [Hero LvL x AGI / 26]

    Tier 3: Passive Power
    50% Chance [Hero LvL x AGI / 25] ---> 70% Chance [Hero LvL x AGI / 25] 

    Tier 4: Passive Power
    75% Chance [Hero LvL x AGI / 20] ---> 80% Chance [Hero LvL x AGI / 25] 

    Bugs Fixed:
    1 - Excalibur CD will be the same to all other Legendary ones.
    2 Kurosaki Ichigo E
    Tier 1 - Transformation:
    Passive Damage
    (AGI x Hero LvL / 5) + Ability Damage ---> Ability Damage
    Tier 3: Passive Damage
    (AGI x Hero LvL / 5) + Ability Damage ---> Ability Damage
    Text Fixed:
    1 - The Sword of Possession with the wrong description.
    1* - Fixed Loads to: Falraeth#1909 , LeNameHere, SpeCtre, x1lol1x
    2* New SaveCodes to: Zpecie (Kurumi), BlacKNeMeS (Kirby / KiroCtuX)
    3 Devil/Demon Bones size reduced: 2.00/2.50 ---> 1.50/2.00

    Notes in each number:
    4   = Fixed/added
    4* = Not yet fixed/added
    4? = Not sure if it was implemented
    4x = Will be fixed/added in the next version or beyond
    4! = Need test to confirm

    { 7 Comments... read them below or Comment }

    1. Когда же обновление?

    2. hi I cheat lvl and stats why can't tier 4 stats and gold 0 and str agi int 1 and lvl 3000 what do can up tier hero ichigo

    3. hi bro pls fix the tier4 i lvl 3050 all stats 1 gold and spirit 0 I go on tier 4 3050 it don't work I hero shinigami

    4. its real cool! map good

    5. Разраб забил на эту карту , ему влом даже обновить мир богов . ранше я бы за эту карту поставил максимально 10 баллов а теперь это карта , тянет на 7 баллов , потому-что не чего делать в ней когда пройдена на нормале и на Sacrifice.

    6. Are they still undateding the game it's been almost 2 years since last update


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